
Drawing Near to Jesus

We know the general location of the events given by John in chapter six are near the Sea of Galilee. So, imagine for a moment Jesus taking a seat on a grassy hill, which we can presume from the time of year these events occurred, could have been possible. The miracles of healing Jesus was performing created a large crowd that continued to follow Him wherever He went in many cases. Now, when He had sat on the hill and saw the people gathered, Jesus asked Phillip the question we see in John 6:5. The next verse tells us Jesus was testing Phillip since He already know what He was going to do. Here we see an immediate need that, according to Phillip and the related commentaries and studies, could not have been met with the wages earned in a six month period.

How would you react today if you needed to meet this same need? Most are facing various challenges in life today. But a need so great as feeding the 5,000+ can seem overwhelming to even the most devout of believers!  Jesus knew what He was going to do. This account from John shows us a few things important for our lives today: first, it revealed that the God of Moses had not changed, and second, a reminder that Jesus is the Bread of Life. He was not surprised by the need or the events in front of them that day. Today, maybe you are facing overwhelming odds. Maybe you are facing incredible challenges this coming week and you are just not sure where to turn, what to think, or what to do. Jesus knows. He knew before you were even faced with the challenge. God hasn’t changed, which can be hard to comprehend considering the many changes we endure throughout life. What will we do when we are faced with what seems to be insurmountable challenges in life? Will we give our undivided focus and attention to the need? Or, will we be still and listen to the voice of the Father.

What is Jesus speaking to you through this word today? He is the Bread of Life. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the hope for all creation, and the lover of our souls. Maybe today He is speaking to you to place your confidence in Him, because we know His word does not fail! More than meeting the need in the physical, we should place our focus on feasting on the Word, filling our souls with the Bread of Life, because after all, if our souls are neglected in pursuit of the natural prosperity, all is worthless. Fill yourself today with the provision for your soul, the provision only He can provide. What do you hunger for? What do you thirst for? No thing in this life can quench those desires as Jesus can!

Whatever your circumstances in life at the moment, know Jesus still lives, He still speaks, He still works in the lives of people every single day. All He wants from us is all we have, and all we have is our heart to give and a life to be lived for Him. The needs will be met, sickness fades either through an earthly healing or across the other side in eternity. He is the Bread of Life. He is calling you to draw near to Him today and place your eyes back on Him alone. He is calling you to seek Him, in spirit and truth. He is calling you to pursue Him with an unrelenting passion and aggression. Can you sense the tug of the Holy Spirit on your heart even now? More than anything, He wants you. He wants relationship. He longs to overwhelm you with His goodness.

Make a decision, here and now, that you will surrender to Him, not once, not once a week, or in a lifetime, but daily. Make a decision now to get yourself recalibrated and refocused back on the Lover of our Souls, Jesus. This week, take time daily to surrender, to open your hands, and lay it all at His feet. This life may seem overwhelming at times, but it will pass. Our focus should be on listening to what He is saying through His word and Holy Spirit.

Recommended Daily Reading: 

Sunday: John 6:4-6

Monday: John 6:35

Tuesday: John 6:51

Wednesa: John 7:38

Thursday: Isaiah 44:3

Friday: Isaiah 55:1

Saturday: Proverbs 18:4  

Now the Passover, a Jewish festival, was near. So when Jesus looked up and noticed a huge crowd coming toward him, he asked Philip, “Where will we buy bread so that these people can eat?” He asked this to test him, for he himself knew what he was going to do.

John 6:4-6 NLT

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