
We are living in challenging times. It is in these moments when we must decide whether we will remain a slave to our past, our sins, our bad habits, and further enslave the coming generation, or if we will adhere to the principles of God’s word. We have two choices: Remain slaves or walk into the freedom Christ has provided. There’s a great deal of confusion in this world now, with so much information at our disposal, 24 hours a day, it’s easy to get sucked into a mental and spiritual fog paralyzing us from making any decisions or growing. The reality is so many are walking around with a mask of freedom on when they are slaves internally. They are wearing the garments of a free man, but inside, they are enslaved by their past, their sins, thoughts, bad habits, and lack of vision.

God sees our current state of existence. He’s not oblivious to what is going on. But, contrary to what many think, He’s not mad at you, rather, He is waiting on you to cry out to Him. Just take one step towards Him. Sunday mornings are a time when many will put their finest masks on, attend a church service, and return to their private life in chains. What chains do you bear? What burden are you carrying? What battle are you facing? The only hope we have to be free is found in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. We know He was raised on the third day after being crucified on a rugged cross, and we know He did not endure such agony for us to remain enslaved to sin. Today, you may be in a spiritual fetal position with the chains of sin tightening around you, choking off every breath you have left. It may seem like there’s no hope, and this is the end of the road for you.

There is a mighty warrior who is awaiting your request for rescue. Your heavenly Father desires to come to your aid. When will you stop trying to accomplish what Jesus accomplished over two thousand years ago? It’s finished. You need only surrender and admit you cannot do it on your own. Recognizing your divine purpose begins by being set totally free through the sacrifice of Jesus. Second, experience a renewed mind through reading God’s Word regularly. Lastly, rise, become more than a conqueror, more than an overcomer. 

You were created to be fruitful and multiply, to dominate. You were not created to be enslaved and beat down, living in a survival mode for your entire life. Victory is already done in heaven, but He never meant for us to wait until eternity to walk in victory.

Heavenly Father, You know the chains that bind me, the things that enslave me, and I cannot do this on my own. I am desperate for You, Lord. I know You sent Your Son, Jesus, to set me totally free and today I am taking a step of faith and receiving that gift. I am asking for You to break off the chains around me, and as I commit to studying Your word, renew my mind. Father, I know You have commanded me to be more than a conqueror, more than an overcomer, and I am asking for You to show me the way. Fill me with Your Spirit, empower me to be all You have called me to be according to Your Word and purpose. -Amen

“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Exodus 14:14 NIV

If from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Exodus 4:29 NIV

The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.”

Exodus 3:7 NIV

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