
A Fruit of Love: Forgiveness

What benefit would it be if you were to give ammunition to your adversary in a battle? It would be no benefit, in fact, it would be foolish. Think about how devastating that would be! This is exactly what we do when we harbor unforgiveness in our hearts, arming the enemy. When we refuse to forgive the faults of others, we prevent the process of healing and barricade ourselves in a position where, no matter the efforts, are unable to experience reconciliation. Forgiveness is a direct fruit of love. Consider the damage holding grudges has on relationships. Not only that, but the scientifically proven health issues created by harboring unforgiveness, bitterness, and resentment.

Now, to experience true freedom in our lives, we must choose to remove the dam of unforgiveness and allow the healing love of God to work in our lives. That’s just what unforgiveness does; it dams up the flow of love and life. It doesn’t mean you continue to take abuse, but it does mean to release the other person, or yourself, from the power and bondage you, however so deservingly you may, hold them in. How many times have we been forgiven by God? How many times have we went to Him in horrible, wretched conditions, having hurt His heart over and over, and He continues to forgive. If you are experiencing relationship problems, have you addressed unforgiveness? The sweet healing power of God will begin to move in miraculous ways when you take that first step.

Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your forgiving love for my life. When others hurt me, remind me of how many times You have forgiven me so I may be quick to forgive and experience Your healing. -Amen

Love prospers when a fault is forgiven,
but dwelling on it separates close friends.

Proverbs 17:9 NLT

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