
A Love Story That Never Ages

A story of love, from start to finish, that’s what the Bible is for the Believer. From the Old Testament when the covenant between God and His people was a law of the letter, to the resurrection of Jesus, God’s only Son, and the establishment of the new covenant. This new covenant, established by Jesus, a covenant, not to the letter of the law, but the Spirit. No longer are we required to sacrifice animals, for the Perfect Sacrifice, Jesus, willingly laid down His life for all mankind. God repeatedly lavishes His unfailing love on every living person, even when they reject Him. We are here as ambassadors of God’s kingdom, here to love God and others, to overcome evil with good, and to sow the seed of His Word in the hearts of future generations.

If you’ve spent any time reading the Bible at length, you know well the patience and longsuffering of a loving God. He cares for us, and Jesus mediates (stands in the gap, think criminal defense attorney) between you and I, and God. When we have His truths written on our hearts, when we believe in Jesus, accept the gift of salvation, we are positioned as recipients of the new covenant. We’ve been bought at a high cost, and His love is perfect. How can we respond to God who loves us so perfectly? By loving Him, by living for Him, and by loving others. Aren’t you glad we are no longer required to sacrifice animals as payment for our sins? How can we live a life that shows we are thankful for the love God has shown us?

Heavenly Father, Thank You for providing a path to eternal life for me. I rejoice in the perfect sacrifice You provided through Your Son, and desire to live a life that demonstrates a heart of gratitude! May all my days be pleasing to You. -Amen

But now Jesus, our High Priest, has been given a ministry that is far superior to the old priesthood, for he is the one who mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises.

Hebrews 8:6 NLT

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