

To Whom Do You Belong? 

This world does not offer much hope to us. There is constant turmoil, fighting, violence, everywhere you turn, there are hurting people. If we were to look at this life through the lens of what the world offers us, we would find ourselves hopeless and in despair. As Believers in Christ, we are given a new hope. We are given promises through God’s Word that give us comfort, peace, and perfect, lasting hope. But, it requires us to change our thinking. What if you inherited a Fortune 500 company but refused to adapt your thinking to that of the successful, growing company? You wouldn’t last long. Neither would the business. We are given a great inheritance through Christ, and our promise of a perfect restoration will not falter. Our problem lies in the failure to think “kingdom-minded” instead of earthly-minded. 

We do not belong to this world. When the only thing directly in front of us is constant suffering, struggles, pain, and turmoil, it is easy to slip out of a “kingdom-minded” thinking. But, when we think kingdom first, that being, the Kingdom of God, His ways, His will, His commands and promises before our own, we will find ourselves in perfect order with the Father of Creation. So today I pose the question to you; to whom do you belong? Are you going to drop your anchors in this world and trust in the fading hope it provides? Or will you cling to the Rock of Ages? The everlasting peace, the perfect love, the Comforter, Jesus. He awaits. As mere mortals, our thinking has a lot do to with our conditions. What we believe affects our thoughts, what we think affects our words, what we speak affects our actions, what we act on affects our circumstances. I challenge you today to check your thinking. Does it align with the Master to whom you belong?

Heavenly Father, I submit my thoughts, my will, my desires, even my struggles to You. Search my heart and clean me. Wash me white as snow Lord. I need You more than anything else in this life. May my thoughts and actions align with Your Kingdom, with Your will and desire for my life. -Amen

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

Matthew 6:33 NLT

Thank you for sharing these devotions with your friends and family. Helping spread the Word of encouragement and inspiration through His word is my purpose, and the pen is my pulpit. Be blessed in all you do today!