
(See the very bottom of this post for a special offer!) 

The Real Cost of Peace

Too often we view peace as the absence of conflict in our lives. Think about it on a larger scale. Right now our nation is, for the most part, a nation at peace. Our homes are not being invaded by foreign troops, we do not have to be concerned on a daily basis about bomb drills, foreign attacks, and this is due to our military servicemen and women, and our law enforcement officers, being proactive and taking the fight to the enemy. They do not wait on the enemy to provoke or attack innocent Americans.

Peace in our personal lives is not the absence of conflict. We can be in the middle of absolute chaos but have the peace of God in our heart guiding us through dark times. Peace is not the result of passive behavior or weak attitudes, but it is the product of commitment. If there are issues in your life or relationships that are disrupting peace, bring it out and talk about it before it grows into a bigger problem. Then you will have peace. But nothing, and I mean nothing can compare to the peace given by the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. That, my friends, is the real cost of peace.


Navigating through challenging relationships, financial situations, career decisions, or even health-related issues can be intimidating. But pretending an issue isn’t there doesn’t make it go away. End 2017 on a high note and bring those things out and address them. Search for peace and then, maintain it.

Heavenly Father, Thank You for the immeasurable peace of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for divine wisdom to navigate challenging situations and giving me the discernment and direction. -Amen

God speaks to us through the Bible, and His Word is living and applicable to our lives. I believe today if we listen closely, we would hear Him say:

My child, I have given you the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Seek to find peace in your life, in your relationships, finances, and every area of your life. When you do find the peace in these areas, maintain it according to the direction of My Word. 


Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.
1 Peter 3:11 NLT


If you enjoyed this, please share with a friend. Thank you and have a great day! You can read previous devotions and other articles on www.TheAdamDavis.com. 

I have a friend of mine who is a motor cop in California. Great dude. He is also a financial WHIZ. He is GIVING AWAY a digital copy of his book, “Badges & Budgets” over on his website. Go check it out. I don’t get a dime for telling you about it, but I am a past client of his coaching and he is absolutely brilliant. Check out Jason’s website here. Tell him his Alabama buddy sent you.






P.S. I am helping 18 people plan their 2018 goals and establish a strategy for success. This includes one-on-one coaching and group calls, as well as access to a private Facebook mastermind group in the future. If you are interested in joining, the cost is $277. Email me and let me know you are interested and I will get you set up! I want you to CRUSH 2018 because I know it will be a spectacular year!