
Are you an aspiring writer or do you want to publish a book? It’s significantly easier to dream of it than it is do actually do it. I’m no Stephen King, but I am the best version of Adam Davis, and being such, I have learned a few things about writing. Not much, but enough to help you avoid a few heartaches along the way. I hope it helps you. 

10 Tips For Successful Writers (Survival Guide)

1. LONGSUFFERING – Have the patience of Job. You can self-publish relatively quickly, but if you suck, you will never get a book deal. 
2. RESOLVE – DO NOT let the haters get you down. Ever.
3. KNOW YOUR PURPOSE – There will be days you wonder if you lost your mind, there will be FEW who “GET” you, and you will be down. KNOW your purpose and you will be just fine. If you don’t, you will quit before you get started good.
4. MARKETABLE – Let’s face it, if Equate can sell stick on wheel covers, you can create a brand. But, it will take financial resources and time. And a lot of work.
5. TENACITY – NEVER, ever give up. Ever. You may have to scrap a project you love, but that does not change your purpose or identity as a writer.
7. HUMILITY – There will be a lot of people who say that, if you market yourself with confidence, that you are arrogant and full of yourself. If you are humble, you won’t have to worry about explaining anything to those people, and you won’t have to learn the lesson of humility through failure.
8. NETWORK – Surround yourself with people who are better than you, who have better skills, people who love and care about you, and people who are passionate about your work.
9. GET VERTICAL – Who are you doing this work for? If you do it for yourself, it will last a while, but if you do it for the glory of God, and follow His lead, you will find tremendous blessing.
10. FINALLY – When in doubt, remember why you started.